Rahul Tirumalapragada

Founder and CEO,
Makers of Milkshakes

Mr. Rahul Tirumalapragada is the founder and CEO of the most famous milkshake brand in the city, ‘Makers of Milkshakes’

Rahul, right after his MBA from London, pioneered into this segment and changed the people’s perception about the look and taste of milkshakes in the country. Overcoming the hiccups, The brand was started in 2013 and is expanding exponentially.

With own bootstrapping, and on focusing the product quality and brand, it was an instant hit with the youth and also with all ages.

With the customers love and loyalty, Rahul and the team has been evolving over the years enhancing the brand image and new menu with wide variety product range, Makers of milkshakes now has close to 90 outlets and has launched in US and UAE as well and expanding to other continents very soon!

Rahul has been an inspiration to the youth and young business aspirants without having any prior business knowledge. Over the years, the brand has been very well recognized in the country and has won many awards in the milkshake category and in the young entrepreneur category.